Laser surgeries

Laser surgeries

CLINICA 2020 has the most innovative techniques worldwide to correct refractive
errors of sight, such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia.

Among the techniques we find:

Refractive Surgery LASIK ST

LASIK Refractive Surgery
Guided by topography (customized)

Surgery Fentolasik ST,
100% Laser Without blades.

Fentolasik surgery. 100% Laser
Without blades guided by topography (customized)

efractive Surgery PRK ST

Refractive Surgery PRK
Guided pro topography (customized)

SMILE Refractive Surgery,
Minimally invasive without cuts

After the pre - operative exams, the doctor will recommend the technique that best suits your ocular pathology in order to achieve the best results in visual acuity.

The full surgery takes about 15 minutes and the patient's recovery is very fast and generally without discomfort. The patient can rejoin most of their normal activities in 24 or 48 hours after the procedure

To be a candidate for surgery, the patient must be over 18 years of age (approximately) and undergo a series of assessment tests that will determine the viability of the treatment

Include Information on Facial Lens Implant Surgery.